
Here is a guide to help you install the IUA-Simulator.


Minimal requirements

  • Debian squeeze or ubuntu 12.04 64bits or higher with an Internet access.
  • Java virtual machine : JDK 17
  • Application server : Wildfly 27
  • Keycloak server : Keycloak 20.0.3 and above

To install those requirements you can refer to the documentation of installation of Wildfly : General Requirements Wildfly 27


Copy the iua-simulator.war into the “/usr/local/wildfly27/standalone/deployments” directory of your Wildfly server.

You’ll have to specify Environment variable before starting the server. Those environment variable are needed for your iua-simulator to know how to access your keycloak installation and the clients to be called through ITI-71 transactions. Here is a list of everything needed to be setup before launching the application server. Finally, start your server.

Once the application is deployed, open a browser and go to http://yourserver/iua-simulator/rest/ch/ping in order to check of the service is available.

If the deployment is successful, you should receive a 200 Ok Response.