
The purpose of this document is the installation of Gazelle-calibration on a VM.

gazelle-calibration Installation


Install gazelle-calibration

The project can be found at

If you don’t already have a zip of the project, create one with :

  • icons/
  • scripts/
  • site/
  • calibrate.php
  • calibrate_fork.php
  • getCalibrationExecutions.php
  • getCalibrationResult.php
  • index.php
  • pom.xml
  • settings.xml

Send the zip to the VM :

scp /path/to/the/ gazelle@<VM>/tmp/

Connect to the VM and extract the zip :

unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/gazelle-calibration

Edit and make sure the variable APACHE_ROOT is correct. Execute the script :

sudo chmod +x
sudo /tmp/gazelle-calibration/

Install xmllint :

sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils

Install maven :

sudo apt-get install maven

Install soapui :

cd /tmp
chmod +x

Install php DOM extension

Check the php version installed on the server :

php --version

Depending on the version, the package is different :

  • php-5 :
    sudo apt-get install php5-dom
  • php-7.0 :
    sudo apt-get install php7.0-xml
  • php-7.1 :
    sudo apt-get install php7.1-xml

Install curl :

sudo apt-get install curl



Check that the values in ~/gazelle-calibration/html/scripts/ are correct, especially INDEX_PATH and REFERENCES_PATH.


Create or add an existing htpasswd.users in /home/gazelle/gazelle-calibration/html. To add a new user type :

sudo htpasswd /home/gazelle/gazelle-calibration/html/htpasswd.users <username>

Add the following to the configuration file in /etc/apache2/site-enable :

<Directory /var/www/html/gazelle-calibration>
          Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
          AuthName "Calibration Access"
          AuthType Basic
          AuthUserFile /home/gazelle/gazelle-calibration/html/htpasswd.users
          Require valid-user

<domain>/gazelle-calibration is now password protected.

Administration home page


Create a folder

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/admin
cd /var/www/html/admin

Connect the project from the forge :

sudo svn co .
cd ..

If base html folder is /var/www/html, create a symbolic link :

sudo ln -s admin/admin.php admin.php

If base html folder is /var/www/, create a symbolic link of the symbolic link :

cd ..
sudo ln -s html/admin.php admin.php

Go back to /var/www/html/admin and make a copy of getToolsArraysTemplate.php :

cd /var/www/html/admin
sudo cp getToolsArraysTemplate.php getToolsArrays.php

This file contains arrays which list tools.

Go back to /var/www/html/ and create a symbolic link of getToolsArrays.php. If base html folder is /var/www/html, create a symbolic link :

cd /var/www/html
sudo ln -s admin/getToolsArrays.php getToolsArrays.php

If base html folder is /var/www/, create a symbolic link of the symbolic link :

cd ..
sudo ln -s html/getToolsArrays.php getToolsArrays.php


Edit getToolsArrays.php to list available tools on the VM.

sudo vi /var/www/html/getToolsArrays.php
//    array("toolLink","toolName", tool installed (0 or 1), doc installed (0 or 1), doc link (eg. assertion-manager),toolDescription)
array("AssertionManagerGui", "Assertion Manager", 1, 1,"Assertion-Manager", "Assertion Manager tool is used to stored the requirements on which the tests and tools are based. It also allows the linkage between tests, steps, validators and requirements."),

Be careful, for Gazelle Test Management the link could be “EU-CAT” or “gazelle”.

  • toolName : the name of the tool display in home page.

  • tool installed : 0=false the line about the tool will not be displayed, 1=true the line about the tool will be displayed.

  • doc installed : 0=false the icon about the doc will not be displayed, 1=true the icon about the doc will be displayed.

  • doc link : the tool link in the gazelle-documentation (eg:

  • toolDescription : the description of the tool display in the home page.

Update Logos

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/logo
sudo cp /var/www/html/admin/customerLogo.png /var/www/html/logo
sudo cp /var/www/html/admin/providerLogo.png /var/www/html/logo

If base html folder is /var/www/, create a symbolic link of the symbolic link

cd /var/www/html/
sudo ln -s html/logo logo

If you need to update customerLogo.png and providerLogo.png

cd /var/www/html/logo
sudo convert LOGO_EFS.png customerLogo.png