
The purpose of this document is to guide you through the installation process of the Keycloak. This identity and access management tool is used by Gazelle tools to authenticate users.


Keycloak should be run inside a Docker container.

Database creation

Keycloak will use a PostgreSQL database. You will need to report the configuration in the environment variables needed at runtime.

su postgresql
postgres=# CREATE USER keycloak;
postgres=# ALTER USER keycloak WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'keycloak';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "keycloak" OWNER keycloak;
postgres=# \q

As SQL :

CREATE USER keycloak;
CREATE DATABASE "keycloak" OWNER keycloak;

Database is initialized by Keycloak at runtime.

Dev deployment

Clone gazelle-keycloak projet.

Follow instructions given in

“gazelle” realm is configured as in this guide.

Docker image

Installation can be performed on a system with Docker.

Keycloak is deployed using docker-compose in this guide, but can run in any orchestrator or plain Docker daemon.

Use the following Dockerfile as a base for your Docker image :


USER root
# install wget
RUN microdnf install -y wget
USER keycloak

# create a certificate for serving HTTPS
RUN keytool -genkeypair -storepass password -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=server" -alias server -ext "SAN:c=DNS:localhost,IP:" -keystore conf/server.keystore

# activate metrics & health endpoints
# Keycloak will use a Postgres database
ENV KC_DB=postgres


# Gazelle specific stuff

# CAS protocol support
RUN wget -O /opt/keycloak/providers/gazelle-keycloak-cas-protocol.jar "${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}/gazelle-keycloak-cas-protocol-${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}.jar"

# Gazelle user federation
RUN wget -O /opt/keycloak/providers/gazelle-keycloak-provider.jar "${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}/gazelle-keycloak-provider-${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}.jar"

# Gazelle theme
RUN wget -O /opt/keycloak/providers/gazelle-keycloak-theme.jar "${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}/gazelle-keycloak-theme-${GAZELLE_KEYCLOAK_VERSION}.jar"

RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ build


Configuration is performed using environment variables.

It might be needed to mount some files in container for some cases (TLS certificates, …).

Here is a docker-compose.yml configuring Keycloak in a typical environment :

version: "3.9"
    # location of Dockerfile
    build: .
    restart: on-failure
      # folder containing certificates
      # - "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt:ro"
      # Keycloak admin user
      # Created on first start
      KEYCLOAK_ADMIN: admin

      # Connection to Keycloak DB
      KC_DB_URL: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/keycloak
      KC_DB_USERNAME: keycloak
      KC_DB_PASSWORD: keycloak

      # Keycloak is running behind a reverse proxy, reencoding TLS
      KC_PROXY: reencrypt
      KC_HOSTNAME: keycloak.localhost
      # if Keycloak is served in a relative path via reverse proxy
      # KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH: /auth

      # HTTPS certificate as PEM files
      # KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE: /etc/letsencrypt/keycloak.crt
      # KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE: /etc/letsencrypt/keycloak.key

For more specific configurations and edge cases, refer to Keycloak Guides :

Realm configuration

Connect on Keycloak

Once Keycloak is started, it needs to be configured before being used against Gazelle suite.

First, connect to Keycloak :

  • URL is Keycloak URL + /admin/
  • user/password are defined by KEYCLOAK_ADMIN/KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD

Add realm

Once connected, add a realm by clicking “Add realm” from realm selector :

Add realm

Select a name for your realm, gazelle is a good choice. Then click on “Create”.

Add realm

Gazelle User Federation

First, let’s add a user federation source to check everything is OK. Click on “User Federation” menu item, select “gazelle-user-provider”.

User federation

Configure the provider, letting it connect to Test Management database.

  • JDBC URL : where is the database
  • Database User/Database Password : DB credentials
  • Cache Policiy : set to NO_CACHE for fetching user details every time (keeps Keycloak in sync with Gazelle)
  • Role mappings : allows to add a Keycloak role to user if user has a role in Gazelle
    • it allows to map roles directly here at realm level, useful for services calling userinfo OIDC endpoint to retrieve roles (ex :
    • format is gazelle_role=keycloak_role
    • add as many mappers as needed
    • these mappers are called everytime user is retrieved, allowing late configuration

DB configuration is checked when user federation configuration is saved.

User federation

Gazelle users

Now it is possible to list users from Gazelle in “Users” menu entry.


Gazelle institutions

Also, a group has been created for each institution linked to fetched users. The group name is the institution keyword.


Realm settings

Now let’s focus on realm configuration. Click on “Realm settings”.

  • Leave “gazelle” as “Name”, this used in URLs
  • Remove “Display name” and “HTML Display name” if something is set.
  • Keep “Enabled” to “ON”
  • Keep “User-Managed Access” to “OFF”

Realm settings

Login configuration

In login tab, make important changes :

  • Activate “Forgot password” (user will be able to reset its password from Keycloak)
  • Activate “Remember Me” (user will not have to login again and again)

Realm settings

SMTP configuration

Configuration the SMTP server.

Realm settings

Themes configuration

Change Themes settings :

  • set “Login Theme” to “gazelle”
  • set “Account Theme” to “keycloak.v2”
  • set “Admin Console Theme” to “keycloak”
  • set “Email Theme” to “keycloak”
  • Activate “Internationalization Enabled”
  • Select “Supported Locals”
  • Choose a “Default Locale”

Realm settings


User can access its account with http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/account.

In any case, user will not be able to change username, email and name. These are managed by Gazelle user federation.

A user should still be able to activate OTP or change its password.

Account modification is allowed if user has role manage-account in account client.

Click on “Roles” in menu.

Click on “default-roles-gazelle”.


Select “Default Roles” tab and select “account” in “Client Roles”.

Add manage-account to “Client Default Roles” by clicking on “Add selected »”.



For applications being able to use Keycloak to connnect, clients must be created. Clients are configured by clicking on “Clients” in menu.



For using Keycloak with legacy applications using CAS, click on “Create” on upper left.

  • Client ID : cas
  • Client Protocol : cas

Click on Save


Now configure the CAS client.

Settings tab

  • in “Valid Redirect URIs”, add all URL patterns of applications using CAS


Mappers tab

We want roles and institutions in CAS ticket for legacy applications.

Click on “Create” to create a new mapper

CAS mappers


Add a mapper for Gazelle roles :

  • Name : gazelle_roles
  • Mapper Type : User Attribute
  • User Attribute : GAZELLE_ROLES
  • Token Claim Name : role_name
  • Claim JSON Type : String
  • Multivalued : OFF
  • Aggregate attribute values : OFF

CAS role mapper


Add a mapper for Gazelle institution :

  • Name : institution_keyword
  • Mapper Type : Group Membership
  • Token Claim Name : institution_keyword
  • Full group path : OFF

CAS role mapper


CAS protocol is now ready to be used with following URLS :

  • login : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/protocol/cas/login
  • logout : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/protocol/cas/logout


For using Keycloak with an application supporting OIDC, click on “Create” on upper left.

  • Client ID : application_name (replace with a keyword for application)
  • Client Protocol : openid-connect

Click on Save


Now configure the OIDC client.

Settings tab

  • in “Valid Redirect URIs” and “Web Origins”, add all URL patterns of the application


Mappers tab

We want roles and institutions in tokens and userinfo endpoint.

Click on “Create” to create a new mapper

OIDC mappers


Add a mapper for Gazelle roles :

  • Name : realm roles
  • Mapper Type : User Realm Role
  • Realm Role prefix :
  • Multivalued : ON
  • Token Claim Name : roles
  • Claim JSON Type : String
  • Add to ID token : ON
  • Add to access token : ON
  • Add to userinfo : ON

OIDC role mapper


Add a mapper for Gazelle institution :

  • Name : groups
  • Mapper Type : Group Membership
  • Token Claim Name : groups
  • Full group path : OFF
  • Add to ID token : ON
  • Add to access token : ON
  • Add to userinfo : ON

OIDC group mapper


OIDC client is now ready to be used with following configuration :

  • well-known : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • client id : specified in client
  • auth URL : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/protocol/openid-connect/auth
  • token URL : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • userinfo URL : http(s)://<keycloak hostname>/realms/gazelle/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo