
The purpose of this document is to guide you through the installation process of the Apereo CAS 5.1.X. This SSO is used by Gazelle tools to authenticate users.


Installation needs to be performed on a Debian linux Stretch or newer. This is know to not work on jessie. Apereo needs to be embedded into a Tomcat 8 server. Tomcat 8 runs under Java 8. Make sure you have zulu-8 installed.


Install tomcat 8

apt-get install tomcat8

Note: the next steps assume that tomcat8 installation folder is at /var/lib/tomcat8

You can force tomcat8 to use zulu-8 by adding JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/zulu-8-amd64 in /etc/init.d/tomcat8.

The following line is necessary in order to securise the tomcat server

sudo rm -r /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT

Configure tomcat 8

Identify the offset to use for the apache tomcat8 server. If you already have some services listening on 8080 you need to change the default port in the configuration file of tomcat. Make sure to enable AJP while you are editing the port numbers.

sudo vi /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/server.xml

In the example below, we shift the listening port to 8580.

<Server port="8505" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<Connector port="8580" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Probably you want to use AJP connector. You need to uncomment this line and customize the port

<Connector port="8509" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

Also add secretRequired="false" in the AJP configuration.

Download and deploy Gazelle SSO

cd /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps
sudo wget

The following step is necessary if you want to have the application to respond at the URL https://XXXXX/sso

mv cas.war sso.war

Configure Apereo CAS

GUI configuration

It is easy to customize the portal with the logo of the installation.

cd /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/sso/WEB-INF/classes/static/themes/gazelle/images
convert LOGO logo.png
cp logo.png cas-logo.png
chown tomcat8:tomcat8 cas-logo.png

Edit css file to adjust the size of the images. You may want to use your browser inspector in order to find the right values. Once you have them add them to the following file.

cd /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/sso/WEB-INF/classes/static/themes/gazelle/css
vi cas.css

On the home page it is possible to add some links for lost password and create account.

Edit the file /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/sso/WEB-INF/classes/ to add the two lines below<a href="https://stretch.localdomain/gazelle/users/login/passwordAssist.seam">Forgot your password? </a><a href="https://stretch.localdomain/gazelle/users/user/register.seam">Create an account </a>

Then in the file loginform.html add the following text on line 95

vi /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/sso/WEB-INF/classes/templates/fragments/loginform.html
<div th:unless="${passwordManagementEnabled}">
    <span class="fa fa-question-circle"></span>
    <span th:utext="#{}" />
<div th:unless="${passwordManagementEnabled}">
    <span class="fa fa-question-circle"></span>
    <span th:utext="#{}" />

Access to user database

The apereo configuration files are located in the folder /etc/cas. Sample configuration architecture is provided in the archive file located here []

sudo su
cd /etc
tar zxvf cas.tgz
mkdir /etc/cas/log
chown -R tomcat8:tomcat8 cas

You then need to edit the file /etc/cas/config/ and match your system configuration

vi /etc/cas/config/

In this file you need to replace all occurence of the string stretch.localdomain with the FQDN of your machine. You need also to make sure the database configuration matches your database setting.

In particular, two lines references the database. We usually bind the CAS to the database of Gazelle Test Management, so you might want to replace cas by gazelle. Your users database may be hosted in another server, in that case, make sure you will be able to access it from outside.


Check also the path of the log files. Per default log files are set to be stored in the folder /var/log/cas. Make sure that the directory exists and is owned by the correct user

sudo mkdir /var/log/cas
sudo chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/log/cas

Configure logs

To rotate logs, in /etc/cas/config/log4j2.xml, add the following code in the first <RollingFile>, below </Policies>:

            <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5">
                <Delete basePath="${sys:cas.log.dir}">
                  <IfFileName glob="*.log" />
                  <IfLastModified age="7d" />

Restart tomcat.

Configure the applications to use this new SSO

Gazelle tools read the configuration of the SSO in a file located in /opt/gazelle/cas. We need to create this folder and the configuration file

 mkdir /opt/gazelle/cas
 touch /opt/gazelle/cas/
 chown -R jboss:jboss-admin /opt/gazelle/cas
 chmod -R g+w /opt/gazelle/cas

Here is a sample of the content of the property file. Please replace stretch.localdomain with the FQDN of your server.


Restart tomcat8

You almost there, restart tomcat8.

Apereo CAS-management

cf :

Configure Apache2

The apache2 server needs to be aware of the proxy_pass to the tomcat8 server. So if you have configured tomcat to listen on ports with an offset of 200 you will have to add something like this :

<Location /sso>
   ProxyPass        ajp://localhost:8209/sso
   ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8209/sso

Check that apache2 configuration is still ok

 sudo apache2ctl configtest

If everything is ok you can then restart apache2

 sudo apache2ctl restart

You should now access the Gazelle SSO login page at https://stretch.localname/sso.

Fix log4j vulnerability

Add the following line in Create the file if it does not exist in {CATALINA_HOME}/bin or {CATALINA_HOME}/bin : it is usually in /usr/share/tomcat8/bin if tomcat was installed via apt.

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true"

Replace the sso.war by the patch version available at

You may want to be connected to the CAS before going on a page :

cf :

Edit or create file /etc/apache2/sites-available/gazelle-site-le-ssl.conf :

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName FQDN
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains;"

    DocumentRoot /var/www
    CASCookiePath /var/cache/apache2/mod_auth_cas/
    CASLoginURL https://FQDN/sso/login
    CASValidateURL https://FQDN/sso/serviceValidate
<Location /index.html>
    Authtype CAS
    require valid-user

FQDN is like

Activate some mods :

sudo a2enmod mod_ssl
sudo a2enmod mod_auth_cas