eHealthSuisse Access Token Provider

ehealthSuisse Access Token Provider is a Dummy rest service providing Token for IUA transactions used in EPR context. This tool is used to generate an IUA token in order to perform FHIR based tests between participants.

Data Set

Available user IDs

User ID User Role
aamrein PAT
aerne PAT
aerne2 PAT
bovie PAT
lavdic PAT
magpar HCP
rspieler HCP
aandrews HCP
ltieche ASS

Those are the available users for whom token can be generated.


Those are configured in the tool configuration files. Each Audience is represented with an audienceId and a secret value that is used by the tool to sign issued tokens.


Request examples

Example 1 : using user magpar (role : HCP)

Example 2 : using user aerne (role : patient)

Example 3 : using user ltieche (role : ASS)

Parameter Name Usage
userId User for whom the token is generated
audienceId ID of the audience used to retrieve secret in Gazelle configurations.

The response body to this request will be the content of the generated token.